This captivating tale takes place on the open ocean as America evolves from the conservative 50s to the free-loving 60s. Two proud Merchant Marine Academy graduates leave their promising careers to follow a dream of sailing the world on the 40’ schooner the Gracias.
Even with careful planning and abundant enthusiasm, things go drastically awry, changing plans, the crew, and eventually the course of the Gracias, unexpectedly leaving one of them crossing the Pacific alone. In a frantic battle for his life, he relies on his wit and his memories to face the challenges of the sea, and those within his own mind.
Left at Hiva Oa is an incredible story of determination: the determination to dream; to stand by your principles; and to stay alive, when all you have is yourself.
Available on Amazon,and these select retailers:
Maui Friends of the Library in Queen Kaahumanu Center and at the Wharf Cinema Center in Lahaina
Maui Ocean Treasures gift shop at the Maui Ocean Center
Collections Maui on Baldwin Avenue in Makawao
Lahaina Visitor Center Gift Store in the Old Lahaina Courthouse
And in Boulder, Colorado at Boulder Book Store on the Pearl Street Mall.
From the Red Headed Book Lover Blog:
Left at Hiva Oa is a stunning, poignant piece of literature that enthralled, entertained and enchanted me from the very first page! Everything about this beautiful book was incredible; the characters, as well as the beautiful setting of Hawaii and more and phenomenal literature courtesy of the excellent Malia Bohlin, made me fall madly in love with this book. Left at Hiva Oa is a piece of work that will captivate readers from all genres thanks to the many themes that are interwoven between the pages. This book can only be described as a read that should not be missed! If you are looking to read a book that will grasp your attention from the first page and hold it throughout then already I would implore you lovely readers to read this book because it is utterly brilliant! See more…
Reader Reviews:
“I was immersed in this novel from the first page. The story is suspenseful and vividly portrays life at sea. It is also informative, as are the episodes from the captain’s earlier years that are interspersed and provide the background for his reactions to the events. This novel will appeal to readers of any age, from young adult to seniors. And would make a really good movie!”
“I enjoyed this book immensely. It is an exciting adventure story with lots of great sailing information and language. The descriptions are beautiful and vibrant. A must read for anyone who has ever thought of sailing alone or with a crew. The only thing that could have been better is if it were longer!”
“I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a compelling read. I was amazed that this was the author’s first book. I look forward to reading more from the author. I highly recommend this book!”
Read more reviews here.